


Solutions that offers holistic understanding of a person

With a focus on futureproof solutions and building a society of healthy, informed, and empowered people, Endominance is proud to offer a selection of holistic diagnostic solutions that users can truly relate to their pain points.

101-ObTI – 101 Obesity Type Indicator

Most holistic identifier of your Obesity Type

Obesity is a complex issue that goes beyond just body weight. It’s the result of a combination of factors, including habits, lifestyle choices, mental health, environment, and genetics. These factors can influence a person’s ability to regulate their body weight, and tackling them can be challenging without the right resources and support.

That’s where 101 Obesity Type Indicator Assessment (101 ObTI) comes in. This free tool offers a comprehensive assessment of a person’s obesity and wellness issues, providing insights and guidance to help them reach their goals. Whether it’s improving mental health, making lifestyle changes, or addressing environmental factors, 101 ObTI can help people identify the most effective path towards better health.

By recognizing that obesity is not just a matter of weight but a complex interaction between intrinsic tendencies and external factors, 101 ObTI offers a holistic approach to wellness that can benefit anyone, regardless of their resources or support system. With its comprehensive insights and guidance, 101 ObTI is a valuable tool for anyone looking to improve their health and well-being.

PARS – Research Participant Retention Strategy Solution

Offering Foreseeable risks andcritical insights into each participant

Research organizations often struggle with participant retention, even after successfully recruiting individuals who match their criteria. While traditional methods such as interviews can provide some insights into participants’ suitability, they often fall short in predicting how well participants will perform and fulfill their responsibilities throughout the study.

PARS (Participant Acquisition & Retention Strategy) is an innovative online participant assessment solution designed to address this challenge. By providing critical insights into participants’ potential for success, PARS helps clinical trial organizations develop more effective retention strategies.

With PARS, researchers can go beyond traditional checklists to gain a more comprehensive understanding of each participant’s potential. The assessment can provide actionable insights into whether a participant is likely to complete the study, fulfill their responsibilities diligently, communicate effectively with staff, and even demonstrate compatibility with assigned staff members.

By leveraging PARS to assess participants’ suitability and potential, research organizations can optimize their recruitment efforts and develop more effective retention strategies. With its powerful insights and ease of use, PARS is a valuable tool for any organization looking to improve their clinical trial outcomes.

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