

Can Viruses Be the Missing Link to Better Gut Health? What New Study Reveals

Read any “secrets to a healthy gut” article or listen to Dr. Andrew Huberman‘s Podcasts on “Gut and Brain Health,” and you’ll learn all about the role of bacteria in the human microbiome. But here’s something no one talks about – viruses and gut health. So how does this unlikely duo work? Below, we reveal a new […]

Microbiome Research Using AI Leads to a More Personalized Approach to Medicine

If you Google “microbiome,” you’ll see over 17 million results, with most of them leading to the latest research on how gut microbiota is linked to health and disease. However, even with the deluge of information about this area, mystery still surrounds these microorganisms. Researchers are working harder than ever to study individual microbial species to decipher […]

Can Work Environment Affect Gut Health? What the Latest Research Says

Our bodies are bustling with a community of around 100 trillion bacterial cells that make up our gut microbiome. It also contains at least 150 times more genes than the human genome. When scanning the internet for information on this complex organ, numerous studies show how gut health plays a role in digestion, mental health, and immune […]

How the Gut Affects Personality – What New Research Says

The human gut tells us a lot about our health – but what about our personality? A new research study from Oxford University reveals that both gut microbiome composition and diversity are related to differences in personality. This article looks at what this study means for microbiome, personality, and mental health research.