

The Brain Benefits of Music and Mindfulness

Music and mindfulness are known for promoting happiness, reducing stress, and even transporting individuals to another world. However, these two forms of relaxation may change more than just our mood. Researchers are working to understand how music and meditation can positively affect the brain. This article takes a deep dive into the latest research on […]

The Science of Meditation: 3 Major Benefits You Need to Know About

A myriad of articles and studies suggest the beneficial effects of meditation on physical, emotional, and psychological health and well-being. These advantages are far-reaching, including improving depression symptoms, anxiety, stress, and mental health disorders. We may understand the general benefits of meditation, but what are the biological, neurological, and chemical processes behind these outcomes? In […]

The Benefits of Adding Spirituality to Your Wellness Routine

When asking people what they think of when they hear the word spirituality, perspectives vary greatly. Generally speaking, most people see spirituality as a connection to something bigger than themselves, whether it be God, Spirit, nature, or a spiritual practice like yoga. An individual’s personal definition of spirituality may also change throughout life, adapting to […]