

7 Ways to Tone Your Vagus Nerve for Better Mental Health

The vagus nerve is the most complex and important nerve in the entire human body. This nerve connects the gut to the brain and serves as a crucial player in the sympathetic (fight or flight) and parasympathetic (rest and digest) branches of the autonomous nervous system. Feel full and sleepy after a big meal? Heart […]

Anxiety & Intolerance of Uncertainty: What Is It and Ways to Combat It

As a general rule, most people prefer certainty to uncertainty. However, we’ve all heard that the only things we can be certain about are death and taxes. So what about everything else? How do most people cope with uncertainty? When is fear of the unknown too much? And when can it become a risk factor […]

Stress, Personality, & College Students: What New Study Finds and Where to Go From Here?

Since the pandemic, college students’ struggle with mental health concerns has increased two-fold. According to a recent college mental health survey, nearly 75 percent of college students said COVID-19 had worsened their mental health. With this in mind, a new study claims that certain personality traits helped students deal with stress better than others during the pandemic. Though […]

How AI is Filling Gaps in $16 Trillion Dollar Mental Health Market

When people hear the term Artificial Intelligence or AI – many think of a movie image of some AI character outsmarting society – eventually deciding to wipe the population off the face of the Earth. Luckily, this stereotypical doomsday scenario is now a thing of the past. Instead, the positive evolution of AI is in […]

Uninsured Millennials & Access to Behavioral Healthcare: Barriers and Long-Term Solutions

Thirty million U.S. residents lacked health insurance in the first half of 2020, according to newly released estimates from the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS). The report also found that compared with other Americans, the uninsured are disproportionately likely to be Black or Latino; be young adults; have low incomes, or live in states that have […]

6 Non-Invasive Tech Solutions for Optimal Mental Health & Wellness

‘ Diet, exercise, medications, and various cognitive therapies have been long-term staples for many people looking to achieve optimal mental health and wellness. Still, as technology evolves, more non-invasive tech solutions are being created to help tackle or prevent mental health disorders – and the results have been a game-changer for many users. These technologies […]