

Microbiome Research Using AI Leads to a More Personalized Approach to Medicine

If you Google “microbiome,” you’ll see over 17 million results, with most of them leading to the latest research on how gut microbiota is linked to health and disease. However, even with the deluge of information about this area, mystery still surrounds these microorganisms. Researchers are working harder than ever to study individual microbial species to decipher […]

Psychobiotics: New Approach to Treatment of Mental Health Disorders Shows Promising Results

In an extensive lab in Cambridge, Massachusetts Phil Strandwitz, CEO at Holobiome, and his colleagues are working to isolate gut bacteria that they hope will produce new treatments for depression and other disorders of the brain and nervous system. New drug development for neuropsychiatric disorders has slackened for decades, and many existing drugs cause unpleasant side […]

How the Gut Microbiome Can Save Lives

To stay healthy, humans rely on a diverse community of viruses, fungi, and bacteria in their guts. Like Russian nesting dolls, our bodies contain about 38 trillion bacterial cells that make up our gut microbiome, and those cells have their own residents and so on. Most people are aware that this community of gut bacteria, or […]

How the Gut Affects Personality – What New Research Says

The human gut tells us a lot about our health – but what about our personality? A new research study from Oxford University reveals that both gut microbiome composition and diversity are related to differences in personality. This article looks at what this study means for microbiome, personality, and mental health research.